N things of the week

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This picture was taken during a hike in the Quebradas.

I wanted to start a new series on the blog to talk about the stuff that I’m trending on each week, the random cool photos I take that don’t fit in other posts, my favorite things that have made it onto my daily gratitude lists and whatever I happen to be passionate about at the time.

I’ve been partly inspired by Sarah Wynde’s blog.  I always love her journal-style entries that leave me thinking ‘I can totally relate to that’.  Also, I’ve been thinking about the role of fun in blogging- I want to write about stuff that is interesting to me.  For the last few months, I’ve tried to put out a travel post on Fridays and Hoppy Living posts on Tuesdays with Best Book posts on some Sundays.  I love all those topics and plan to keep that up, but also want to write more that is less constrained.

The title ‘N things of the week’ is my attempt at satire.  I’m so sick of reading blog posts titled ‘5 ways to…’ or ‘6 things that…’ or some other number.  Plus I’m unlikely to have the same number of things to share about each week.

So, let’s jump in.


My favorite mini-adventure this week was a hike out to ‘the Quebradas’ with Sam.  Highlights included a cool slot canyon that we got to scramble up – just the perfect amount of challenge for rock climbing without gear – and also a cool sunset.

Quebradas Hike

Click on a thumbnail to view the larger version


This week, I splurged and bought a few books that I’m really excited about: Hard Laughter by Anne Lamott, Love by Leo Buscaglia (I haven’t finished it yet, but I’m a good chunk of the way through it and it’s been excellent so far), Well Fed Weeknights by Melissa Joulwan (a paleo cookbook – I’ve already made two variations of the stir-fry recipe out of it with great results both times) and Philosopher’s Notes by Brian Johnson.  I’ve been really digging Brian Johnson’s work lately- try checking out his YouTube channel or podcast..  I’m hopeful that one or more of these books will qualify for the Best Books series when I’m done reading.


OK, this is one of the things from recently that I am the most excited about!  I want to branch out and do more creative things.  So I went through all of my pictures from the last year or two, picked my very favorite ones and ordered some canvas prints of them.  The plan is to put some of them up for sale on Etsy or somewhere else online and maybe see if there are any places locally I could put them up.  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  There’s that voice about how nobody will want to buy them, it will turn out to be a waste of money, yada, yada, yada.  I tell that voice to shove it.  I really want to do more artsy stuff and I’ll never know if people will pay for it or not if I don’t try.

I have been waiting so patiently for them to arrive, and UPS says they will finally be delivered right after I plan to leave on a trip.  At least they will be waiting for me when I get home!


It snowed last night!!!  Not enough for it to stick on the ground, but I had a very magical few moments watching the flakes swirl around and slowly drift down towards the ground.  It was completely mesmerizing and precious.

I’ve also been very grateful for hoodies and warm, fuzzy slippers.  And key lime pie.  I like key lime pie.

4 Responses

  1. I loved reading this! Fun style and good information, too. I ready the Leo Buscaglia books many years ago. I may have some still in my library. Let me see if I have one I can send you. Have you seen him on video? Big, loud, warm and Italian!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I have not seen him on video, but will see if I can pull him up on YouTube. I know you gave me his book of Christmas stories one year, but I would love to read more from him.

  2. I love this post! And not just because it mentions me (although thank you, that gave me a little tickle of delight) but I’d never heard of that book by Anne Lamott, which I’ll be putting on my wish list, and I love the idea of the canvas prints. I hope you find a place to share them with the non-virtual world!

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I’m glad you read this post- I’d been meaning to send you a note and let you know I’d mentioned you, but then got busy. Have you read Bird by Bird? That was the book that introduced me to Anne Lamott and such a great read, especially for writers.

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