Driving the digger!!
I’d like to say that my favorite part of the Thanksgiving holiday was good food and good company. But it wasn’t. It was getting to drive the Bobcat at my dad’s house. I have always wanted to drive construction equipment. I’m not interested in it for a job I don’t think. I just want to play a bit.
I had a blast getting to drive this thing around a bit and scoop some dirt. I narrowly missed knocking my dad’s head off with the bucket, but he dived out of the way. Note to readers: stand back if you’re ever around when I’m operating heavy equipment.
Baby B even had his chance in the driver’s seat!

Baby slept through the night!
After a busy day visiting family on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, baby B slept from nine at night until six-thirty in the morning. I was so ridiculously pleased that he slept through the night! He has not done a repeat performance since then and I’m not holding my breath. Still, it is progress. I am so glad that the sleep thing is improving… for him. (I, on the other hand, have developed a bit of insomnia. It’s quite torturous.)
Casa Blanca Inn and Suites

This year, lots of family came to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. Since both their houses had company, my mom was nice enough to get us a room at this cute little B and B in Farmington. It was a great place to stay. Thank you mom!

I’ve been otherwise occupied trying to cook and eat lots of healthy food (and eating cheesecake in between), going to the gym, working, reading, writing and just enjoying my time with Baby B. Some days I feel like I struggle with the whole balance thing. It was a challenge before baby B came along. Now, it sometimes feels like an impossibility.
Oh, and I’ve been enjoying the fall weather. I love seeing the leaves change color! If I over-think it, it’s sad because I know they’re all going to fall off and it will be cold, dark, and wintery soon. I waste so much time worrying about the future that it’s ridiculous. This week, the leaves are gorgeous!

I also applied for a Grow with Google developer scholarship recently. I try to avoid committing to a lot of things because I know I just don’t need to increase my sense of overwhelm. This one I just went for. When I look back at my life, one of my regrets is not learning to do more programming. I can’t change the past, but I can start learning now. Who knows if I’ll get the scholarship or not, but I figured it was worth applying. I think it could be a great opportunity.
Anyway, I am off for another slice of cheesecake and then bed!