I don’t really like having my picture taken. Most of the time when I see pictures of me it just feels a little… weird. If I try to smile it doesn’t seem genuine. But there’s this picture of me on the day when I found the van that was to become my first RV where I just look happy. (You can’t really tell in this version because it’s too small.)

After the engine threw a rod in Texas and needed replaced, I eventually ended up selling my van. It made sense – it was a 1980 model and was not going to get any newer. It was still in Texas. I’d just found out I was pregnant when I sold it and knew that while it was comfortable for solo travel it wasn’t going to be a great family vehicle.
I always missed it though. I sort of wished that I’d just paid to have the engine replaced. I’d browse RV listings, but I never saw the right thing at the right price. I’m unwilling to pay the prices for a newer RV and a lot of the older ones just aren’t in good shape. Plus there are a lot of types of RV that just wouldn’t meet my needs.
So when I heard a family member with a small RV was upgrading to a newer and larger model, I mentioned I’d be interested in the old one… and here we are!

I am now the proud owner of a 1990 18 foot Toyota Sunrader which I’ve nicknamed ‘The Yot’.
I was looking for good pictures of the inside, but I don’t seem to have any. I have lots of weird pictures of it instead. Mostly there are pictures of little things I’ve been working on fixing – the leaky shower faucet, the propane valve that spritzed me with propane when I first tried it, the bathroom cabinet that was falling off.
I do have a few inside pictures from when I first got it two months ago that I’ll share. I’ve been hard at work on it so some things look different now. Maybe at some point I’ll get some good inside pictures of the changes I’ve made.
I got it about 2 months ago and have mostly been at work fixing things, customizing things, etc. Overall it’s in pretty good shape considering it’s age, but it’s spent a lot of it’s recent life just sitting and is in need of some love.
It’s been fun to have a project to work on. Considering the amount of computer work I do it’s a nice change to have a hands-on project.
I’m also really looking forward to taking trips! After the last year (plus) I am antsy to get out.
B is at an age where he’ll like exploring too. Although RV travel with a young child is definitely a bit different than traveling on my own.

So far we’ve taken two trips – the first for one night and the second for two. There is nothing like actually taking an RV out to see what works and what doesn’t.

I’m looking forward to exploring more and (hopefully) sharing more about my travels. Although I don’t want to jinx myself because my blogging record for the last year has been dismal – I was working a TON and just doing the whole parenting a young child during covid thing.
Now things are looking really different. I’m taking the summer off work, at least mostly. My family is all vaccinated except for B who is too young. And I have a new RV to explore in!
2 Responses
Yay! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you & B! You’re going to have so much fun with your new adventure mobile. I hope we can meet up on the road sometime soon!
Thank you! I’d love to meet up!