Best Books – Food Edition!
Today I wanted to share my favorite books on food. Some of them are cookbooks and others are a bit different. They’re all books that for one reason or another I really love. In one of his books, Michael Pollan
Today I wanted to share my favorite books on food. Some of them are cookbooks and others are a bit different. They’re all books that for one reason or another I really love. In one of his books, Michael Pollan
Yep, this time around I finished the Whole30!! 🙂 I’ll jump right into the improvements and good things I’ve noticed: I feel more optimistic about my health. I don’t 100% feel like I’m ‘there’, but I feel like I’m definitely
My big goal for January was to complete a Whole30. I will say right off that I did not succeed. I was going strong through day 16 when everybody in the house came down with the stomach flu. I managed
In this post I’ll talk about what the Whole30 is all about, go over my experience with my first Whole30, provide some resources for if you’re interested in doing one, and talk about why I’m doing another one. I mentioned
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